Common App Essay Tips (STEAL THE SECRET)

Last couple of weeks I have been hosting meet and greets with students about to start their college essays. Part nervous, part excited, part fried from Junior year they want to see success stories, samples that worked all while starting to think about their own original contribution. Today’s video I share just that!!

Happy Writing!

Here’s the summary -

COMMON APP ESSAY TIPS (STEAL THE SECRET) // Juniors, the Common App Essay prompts are out and it’s your turn to stand out and be remembered on your college application, but how? This video will share key, strategic components of successful college application essays. These college essay tips and college essay examples will improve your personal statement, showcasing your best self and ensuring that you’re memorable to the college admissions officer. The college essay could be the difference between accepted or not. Your personal statement for college is your direct line of communication to the admissions office. Don't fall into college essay cliches that don't advance your candidacy. Do you know if you want to write a college narrative essay or a simply a college essay about essay that makes you unique...make sure to ask questions because this college essay tutor has the chops to make you succeed! Before writing your admissions essay, learn expert tips for how to master the art of telling your story. DOWNLOAD YOUR COLLEGE ESSAY TEMPLATE HERE -

Say hi on social: Instagram: Facebook: Pinterest: #drjosie #collegeessaytutor #personalstatementsamples

Writing a Winning Personal Statement

Whether drafting a personal statement for college, medical school or law school, most students miss the mark. Here's why!!!

In today's video I share the two necessary factors needed for a successful personal statement. Sitting in front of the computer screen ready to write the most important essay of your life can feel like the loneliest, most daunting place. However, with some strategy, knowing what needs to be said where can be the jump start you need. Check out this video for expert tips on how to bring in anecdote and analysis...the secret sauce for a winning personal statement!


Visiting College Campuses (TIPS FOR AN AUTHENTIC EXPERIENCE) // Every Spring semester on campus I see a ton of high school students with their parents touring our campus. Walking by I hear the same pitch – and here is the library with hundreds of references and resources, this is 1 of 2 Starbucks on campus and here we have a robotics lab – okay, our campus rocks. However, the tricky part is that no matter the day the speech will be the same; however, the students and families visiting shouldn’t have the same experience. This video will show you key tips to ensure you make your college tour an unforgettable and real experience, showing you and your parents whether THIS IS THE SCHOOL FOR YOU. And, bonus, I share with you a couple habits to keep in mind to then make sure you use the information you receive to elevate the college application essay and why this college supplement.

Remember, your personal statement for college, your campus tour and the overall journey is yours to make it your own. Get invested and make this an incredible experience. And don’t forget to find where the best burgers and doughnuts are!!!

Grab your college essay template and join our mailing list for more videos, goodies and overall amazing inspo –

For more guidance one curating an authentic, incredible college campus tour, check out -

#drjosie #collegeessayprompts #personalstatementsamples

How much is too much info and too little info on the VERY important college essay!

Hi Friends, Let's chat word count. How much is too much info and too little info on the VERY important college essay!

In today's video I discuss the optimal length of the college application essay AND how to lengthen or cut if you're having trouble. Maybe you're super chatty and need to reduce words or maybe you have 1 amazing paragraph and don't know where to go from there. Stay tuned!! 

Here's the summary on the video -

HOW LONG IS THE COMMON APP ESSAY (WORD COUNT FOR COLLEGE ESSAY AND HOW TO CUT OR EXTEND) // Do You have one solid paragraph and nothing left to say in your college application essay? Want your personal statement for college to stand out? This video will show you how to write your college essay for admissions making sure you hit the idea target word count. Whether you need to expand your college application essay or chop off longer phrases to hit the target word count, fight writer’s block and write the college application essay that will make your application unique. These college application essay tips will help you get to the point. Your personal statement for college is your direct link to the admissions office.  

Before writing your college essay, learn expert tips for how to start applying to college. Save your word count for only content that matters.

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QUESTBRIDGE ESSAY (HOW TO WRITE A MEMORABLE SCHOLARSHIP ESSAY) // The Questbridge scholarship helps make top tier, out of state colleges a reality for so many star students of low income backgrounds. Want to learn the 3 key themes your essay should cover to stand out? This video will share the guiding questions you should consider then 3 key elements the Questbridge prep scholars essay needs to include. Deadline is March 20th. Make sure you’re ready to maximize your chances. Before writing your college essay, learn expert tips for how to start applying to college much easier.

How to Start Your College Essay (AND BE UNIQUE)

Today WYA is launching weekly Youtube videos with expert tips students can bring into their college application essays to maximize engagement! Check out our channel!!!

HOW TO START YOUR COLLEGE APPLICATION ESSAY (BE UNIQUE TO ADMISSIONS) // Want your college application to stand out? This video will show you how to start your college application essay so your college application is unique. These college essay tips will improve your personal statement which can be the difference between accepted or not. Your personal statement for college is your direct line of communication to the admissions office. Before writing your college essay, learn expert tips for how to start applying to college much easier.

Introducing College Scoops!!

Your insider's guide to eating your way through an incredible College experience...

Planning college visits? College Scoops provides an insider’s guide for where to eat, stay and explore while visiting college campuses in a mobile-friendly format that is easily accessible on the road. Find the hidden gems from their handpicked student ambassadors and get a feel for what life will be like for your child from students who are already immersed in campus life. College Scoops has over 120 college itineraries online saving parents time, energy and stress. Enjoy the sights and bites!